Email and SMS marketing
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How can you use email and SMS marketing to grow your online business?


As globalization and new technology continue to advance, corporations have many avenues to adopt in dealing with their customers. Then the most effective can be considered email and text message marketing since they apply to extended and homogeneous populations and allow sending highly targeted messages. As applied, these channels can help boost the customer experience to a great level, build sales, and serve business development. This concerns information on what exactly email and SMS marketing platforms are. Why they are crucial in business, how they foster business development, and which of the two is more beneficial in addressing your business requirements.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing defines the use of email for promotional purposes with a specific group of people. Such messages may include newsletters, promotional emails, updates, notifications, and others that target engaging the recipients. Email marketing refers to a business sending promotional messages to its list of clients through a set of electronic mail communications that help in carrying out promotions. Then the help of certain tools that are available to facilitate their making and sending.

Key Features of Email Marketing:

  • Personalization: One of the outstanding features of e-communication is that the sent emails can reflect the preferred and actual behaviors of the receiver.
  • Automation: Some of the few are welcome emails, abandoned carts, and more that can be fully automated.
  • Segmentation: This means that audiences may differ in terms of certain parameters, which is good for targeting them.
  • Analytics: More so, it’s possible to determine open rates, click-through rates, and conversions in order to determine its efficiency.

What is SMS marketing?

SMS marketing focuses on sending other promotional messages through text message. These ones are often even briefer than emails and are mostly used when one wants to pass a quick message. Such as a new update, an offer that has limited time, or passing on a simple message. Text message marketing also has the following service features that enable various organizations and companies. To track the outcomes of text message marketing promotions:.

Key Features of SMS Marketing:

  1. Immediate Delivery: Communication can be done within the shortest time possible, making it suitable for emergencies.
  2. Conciseness: Pay attention to the fact that, due to the limited number of characters in the SMS. Communication time and the possibility of a misunderstanding are minimized.
  3. Direct Engagement: SMS targets individual customers and is usually preferred by them over other media. Hence, there is a good response.

The importance of email and SMS marketing

The best use of email and SMS marketing specialist for marketing cannot be overemphasized since they are critical tools in any organization’s digital marketing plan. Their importance can be attributed to several factors, including:

  • Direct Communication: They are both personal since they allow passing a message to the customer via his or her email address or phone.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Standard programmatic advertising costs are usually high. While the costs associated with the use of emails and SMS are considerably cheaper and give high returns.
  • Personalization: These platforms provide a very high opportunity to personify your message. Which makes them more relevant and, thus, more effective.
  • Measurable Results: Just like the platforms for email marketing, SMS marketing platforms contain a wide range of analytical tools that allow a business to evaluate. Then assess the effectiveness of its campaigns and draw conclusions based on the results that are provided.

How do email and SMS marketing help with business growth?

  1. Customer Engagement: Through clients’ email communication and SMShots, individual and pertinent messages will help to enhance clients’ interest. It is easier to sell to customers who are interested and attentive, and they will be loyal and refer the business to others.
  2. Driving Sales: It entails sending emails or texting, with details of deals, discounts, and other promotions, directly to the client’s inbox, enabling him or her to make immediate purchases to enjoy the promotion.
  3. Building Loyalty: Daily, weekly, monthly, and any kind of normal communication with the customers through e-mail and SMS can develop strong relationships and bonds that reflect on the actual permanent customers.
  4. Increasing Reach: One advantage of communicating through the internet using the emailing system and mobile phone text messaging is that it is fast and reaches a large number of people, thereby creating awareness of the products of a business and leading to an increase in the clientele base.
  5. Feedback and Surveys: Then the businesses can engage customers for their opinion through the use of email and SMS and do surveys, which can be useful in enhancing existing product and service delivery.

Which is better, email or SMS marketing?

The use of electronic mail or short messaging services to change the course of a buying decision or inform consumers depends on the level of the business, the target group, and the nature of the information intended for the final consumers.

Email Marketing:

  • It makes it possible to design for a large amount of detailed and complex content.
  • Applicable to conveying longer messages or passing comprehensive information to other people.
  • Allows for the inclusion of images and videos in the document with little to no distortion.
  • Markets are easier to segment and, therefore, to personalize.
  • Ideal for non-urgent communication.
  • Less open rate than the SMS, but this is expected since the latter is more personal.
  • Then It is also notable that emails can sometimes get into a spam folder.
  • Requires more design effort.

SMS Marketing:

  • More open rates and times of delivery to the target recipients.
  • An interpersonal style is short and brief, thus guaranteeing that the recipients of the messages will only spend a limited period going through them.
  • It is useful for emergencies and for sending messages that require timely delivery.
  • Then Easy and fast to design.
  • Limited to 160 characters.
  • May seem very invasive if used too often.
  • There is less space for explaining details.

Combining email and SMS marketing:

Thus, to reach the maximum number of subscribers and achieve the highest level of conversion, many businesses use both email and SMS marketing as beneficial tools. For example:

  • Then use email for any piece of content that is detailed, including regular newsletters and promotional emails.
  • Employ SMS for any emergency notification, native advertising cost, kindly remind, and flash sale.
  • Coordinate its campaign to be as synchronous as possible with not only Foursquare but also Twitter.


Email and SMS marketing are effective strategies that can be used to expand your online business. Direct contact points are provided, it is cheaper, and messages can be tailored to appeal to the target market, resulting in higher conversions. Therefore, by appreciating the effectiveness and vulnerability of each, organizations can correlate the marketing approach effectively and get the best result. Regardless of whether it is carried out through regularly detailed and informative e-mail newsletters or through instant updates sent directly to clients’ mobile phones. Then the such an approach can significantly increase the scale of business. Using these strategies along with sophisticated tools like email push notifications, programmatic ads, and native ads can improve your marketing strategies, giving you a competitive edge in this digital marketing domain.


1. How do businesses use email marketing?

E-mail marketing is perfect for relationship marketing and works great to bring the audience to a blog, social network, or any other site that is important, and such marketing can be effectively narrowed down by democratic criteria.

2. What is SMS marketing in digital marketing?

It is a type of marketing where organizations send messages that include special offers to customers through their mobile phones, just like in the case of email marketing. Similar to email marketing, it is an opt-in service, which means that customers have to subscribe to it.

3. What is the power of SMS marketing?

The factor of favouritism of service through bulk messages is another achievement for SMS marketing, mainly because 91% of consumers are willing to receive business texts, as sampled in the survey.